Acne Healing Juices

Fasting helps eliminate toxins from the body especially from the liver and kidneys; this method of cleansing reduces the workload of these organs which in turn work more efficiently, cleaner blood means that fewer impurities are excreted though the skin, thus reducing acne. Try the juices below during fasting as a complementary treatment to the home remedies for acne.

Juices and smoothies

Apple, celery and cucumber juice

8 apples
1/2 cucumber
6 sticks celery
Directions: Juice all the ingredients. Pour into glasses. Makes approximately 1 pint.

Carrot and mango juice

8 medium size carrots, peeled or scrubbed
2 large ripe mangoes, peeled and stoned
Directions: Juice the carrots, followed by the mango. Pour into glasses. Makes approximately 1 pint.

Carrot, apple and ginger juice

8 apples, washed and chopped but not peeled
4 carrots, peeled or scrubbed
1 inch ginger root, peeled
Directions: Juice the apples, then the carrots and finally the ginger. Pour into glasses. Makes approximately 1 pint.

More Home Remedies to cure acne

Eat four red delicious apples a day for five days straight. Apples absorb toxins from the body, this is especially important in people with acne.

Mix equal parts of fresh grape and pineapple juice and apply it to the acne affected area three times daily. These fruits are rich in alpha-hydrox acids (AHA) which exfoliate the skin and reduce clogging of oil glands.

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 10 tablespoons of mineral water apply the mixture to the acne affected skin using cotton balls. This remedy balances the skin’s natural PH.

Buy a natural soap for acne available in any health store. These soaps contain sulfur which is essential for acne skin. Use the soap no more than twice a day, over use can increase the secretion of sebum from the oil glands.

Eat low fat yogurt, a healthy bacteria contained in this type of yogurt helps the body to excrete toxins from the digestive system.

Change your pillow case three times a week; the constant rubbing of expelled skin and oil while sleeping will contribute to spreading and exacerbation of acne.



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