How to Use Lime/Lemon as a Deodorant to get Rid of Body odor

I don't know about you but I really do not like to sweat. Knowing that the skin is the largest organ of our bodies and sweating is how the body maintains temperature by cooling us down and preventing us from over heating, I have accepted it as an active part of life.

But, the after effects of the breakdown of the bacteria in sweat which ultimately leads to that bad stench we call body odor, is the one thing I cannot stand. 

Like everyone else, if you try going a day without an antiperspirant, or a deodorant, or if you wake up in the morning and spend the entire day lazying around without a bath (which I do a lot), then you would have become quite adept to the way you smell. And if you are really human, that smell isn't pleasant at all. Especially in your underarms!

Try raising your hand in the air and bringing your armpits close to your nose, Yuck!!
We go from bottle to bottle of different types and brands of deodorants off the shelves, many of which bring on their own unpleasantness after about 6-8 hours wear.

So what has been my remedy for the past month?

I have not applied a commercial brand deodorant in the last month or so of my going back to experiment with limes. I use limes for almost everything! 
To detox my skin, to create my homemade mask, to flush my system in the morning with fresh lime in water, and most importantly - As my go to natural deodorant. 
And to thing there is nothing but an odorless freshness in my underarms all day! I can sweat as much as I want through the day and I just wouldn't stink. What's more, it lasts 24 Hours and over. That means, have a shower in the morning, rub a half lime in your underarms in circular motions and allow to dry, then spend the whole day doing everything you have to do and don't take another shower till the following day. You still won't stink!

Why does lime work so well in this area?
Well in simple terms, the acid in lime counteracts with the bacteria in our sweat and kills it, stopping the odor as well and keeping you smelling fruity fresh!

What's even better? You can store a cut wedge of lime and keep it fresh in a fridge for up to a week for continual uses in your underarms. I think this is the cheapest, most effective deodorant I have ever had and I do not see me switching up anytime soon.

OH EVEN BETTER! Because Lime/Lemon has bleaching properties, with regular use you'd soon see a remarkable difference in the brightness of your underarms, if you have dark underarms like most of us do.

CAUTION: Lime juice and Sun exposure is a no-no as the acid in lime can counter react, causing sun burns in this area. So if you are going sleeveless or going to be exposing your underarms, you might want to skip the lime for that day.

Please let me know in comments if you try this and how it is working for you! What else works for you?
 Thank you for reading!




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